March 3rd, 2024

< EP 3 | EP 4 | EP 5 >

It's time for Episode 4 of Wonderful Precure! Don't know how these "Thoughts" posts go? Read the other ones!

Also yes I'm a week late. That's what Splatoon brain does to you. Let's get into it. Somewhat messy writing today, as it's been a bit since I wrote one of these. Although these posts are already pretty messy since I write 'em as I watch the episode so uhhh...

We start with our "definitely not cures", Mayu and Yuki waking up. Also Pretty Holic returns for it's... 4th season, I think? So that's fun. Probably.

After the intro we shift focus into our current main trio as they're invited back into the Niko Garden.
It seems to be our team's main base of operations for the time being since they can go there whenever they want. Maybe? Who knows actually, I'm just speculating.

Seems like the "Kirarin" animals or whatever they're called are our main "collectables" this season as they heal the garden and try to make this mysterious Niko-sama return.
It could be they collect them all early and then something happens but we'll see.

And Iroha and Komugi are already leaving. They just don't care about the larger plot here lmao and just want to go shopping.

And now time for Mayu's and Iroha's first proper meeting. We get a hint to Yuki's backstory which might be interesting considering the whole "snowy day" thing.

Komugi just abusing her human transformation powers to do the things she wants. Because of course.

Mayu picking up slightly on the whole thing but Iroha obviously trying to cover it up.

Hoo boy, time for some marketing! I know Precure is meant to sell stuff so I can't blame em too much for it but when it's obvious it's just kind of funny.

While Mayu and Iroha get to know each other better, it seems Komugi wants to see what Yuki is up to, much to Yuki's annoyance. What can you expect from a cat and a dog though.

Iroha being super-talkative while Mayu just tries to do her thing in silence, all the while Komugi tries to talk to Yuki, who can't talk back.

Mayu is too much like me fr, it seems like she was immeadiately saying sorry for thinking she might've done something wrong. It's cute how Iroha is kind to her. I guess one can expect someone to be kind, but it's still nice.

Komugi is just telling Yuki how good friends she and Iroha are, all too much to Yuki's annoyance who just wants to be left in peace it seems.

Komugi is just such a sweetheart she doesn't mind being punched by a cat.

And time for our monster of the week. Seems to be a tanuki, which wow! They mentioned tanukis earlier this episode. How fun.

No duo transformation this week either. I suppose the transformations are so short it doesn't matter too much. It just messes with the pacing to have 2 transformations back to back.

And we cut from the action back to Mayu. Seems like she was a loner at her previous school, and considering her character, yeah that makes sense. But back to action!

Not actually much action this week. The MoTW could be more akin to puzzles to solve, figuring out how to make it calm down. Them taking a more calm approach to not scare it to purify it is interesting, although in my opinion a solution they got to too fast.

I know the lack of fighting this season has been more controversial so I do hope they try to make more interesting action even with the current approach. You can do a lot even without punching and I haven't seen that yet.

Oh, the Garugaru ran away. Seems like the conflict is not over yet.

Ok, them actually saving the Garugaru from being run over is interesting. Shows the it they can trust the cures to not be evil. It's pretty simple but it's better than just running awhile and then hugging with not much else.

Okay, the "Go back home" thing looks... incredibly awkward.

And now all's well. Iroha and Komugi looked at the tanukis they rescued, and ignore Meemee to do other things.

And it seems Satoru is Meemee's emotional support for having 2 heroines who share the same braincell. Fun.

Iroha giving a present to Mayu as the sendoff to the episode. Cute.

A fine episode, I'd say. Nothing special. Off to Episode 5, then. Which I'm probably watching after this, so... Yeah. I'll hopefully releasing that post soon.