March 3rd, 2024

< EP 3 | EP 5 | EP 6 >

Episode 5 time. This is right after me watching episode 4 and publishing that to my blog, so that's fun. Gotta avoid those huge piles of unwatched episode this early. Written as I watch the episode, like always.

Already looking at the beginning, seems like we have Mitsuru Aoyama as the animation director for this episode. I respect for the guy for still animating at like... 70 years old. It's just easy to notice from some slightly off faces and such.

We start the episode with our two heroines going for a walk and meeting... I think a child and her mother with their dog, who seems to not be up to walking.

Before even the opening, a Garugaru seems to be forming. I assume it's a stronger one since this episode we get some new tacts.

Although for some reason they're called "wands" in the Crunchyroll subs? Even though you can clearly hear "tact". I'll just call 'em tacts since I'm used to them being called that.

We get introduced to Iroha's dad. He seems like a nice lad.

After dealing with the intro's "conflict", Iroha and Komugi talk a bit about Komugi's past. Since they mention Komugi's previous family, I wonder if we'll learn about that aspect of her down the line then...

It's nice that they show how Komugi was a way more anxious dog before fully getting used to living with Iroha and her family. Rescue dogs do tend to be more like that, I'm saying from experience. But it's nice to see how the two bonded over the years.

Mayu just nerding out to her cat about the bag she got last episode, so cute. And her wanting to give a gift back but overthinking it. She's just like me fr.

And it seems it's time for our monster of the week.

And Satoru is already at the scene. And seems like I was correct in the assumption of this MoTW being stronger. This one seems to house yet another Kirarin animal.

Once again it seems we have a back-to-back transformation.

Some of the more interesting action we've gotten so far since they're on ice this time. But this episode also makes me realize that considering the approach this season takes to action, I hope they do more with creative environments like they do with ice this episode.

I will say that the stuff they do for "the fight" this episode have been the most interesting this season has shown so far.

Seems the leash becomes the Friendly Tacts.

So when they use the tact, they can use a Kirarin Animal's power. Interesting... The rabbit gives them better hearing, it seems.

"I'm exhausted" Satoru you didn't do anything

But now we have our second Kirarin Animal.

The animation for the "return to Niko Garden" sequence still looks awkward.

The episode ends with Komugi wondering why she couldn't use the tact.

I'd say this is on the better end of the current episodes for me. Mainly because the action is honestly better conceptually at least to me. I hope with the tacts we get way more interesting action scenes since they give powerups.

But I did enjoy this episode, and hopefully I manage to write for Episode 6 next week in time. But that's it from me.