February 18th, 2024

< EP 2 | EP 3 | EP 4 >

Once again, Wonderful Precure has gotten a new episode and I watched it and wrote my thoughts as I did. If you aren't familiar with how I write my "Thoughts" posts, I'll just say they are incredibly disjointed and do require you to watch the episode to get the full context. The show is available on Crunchyroll, but you can also find it through... certain other means. You know what I mean. Remember to use UBlock Origin for those. But let's get into it!

Oh it seems we're going back to Sky Land from the last season! ...Wait it isn't? Ah.

Komugi does NOT care about lectures. Good for her.

Ok, they say nikoniko here a lot even thouhh they could just say smile (I think thats what it means after I googled it but you get my point)

Iroha having to deal with the logistics of her dog who can now transform into a human and also teaching her how to be one... Cute...

Not even our heros care about the lore. They know this is a fun, cute season not one with a deep plot.

Komugi being like "Then we can't help!" is so real to be honest. She could honestly end up being one of the funniest lead cures if they keep this up.

Meemee being worried about being scolded if Iroha told Satoru about the Precure even though it could help them... C'mon now. (especially since it seems Satoru does learn about it sooner or later)

Iroha once again being a bad liar but Satoru just rolls with it.

No, Satoru, you don't get it, some weird sheep told Iroha it's bad to tell others about the magical girl thing. Don't worry about it.

Daifuku stomping his paws like rabbits do when they're mad. Cute detail!

"A black egg?" Suddenly, Shugo Chara.

Satoru immediately researching it, as if it's not going to be really dangerous or anything. Daifuku just looking back at him and the egg too haha.

And Daifuku saving our guy because he's too dumb to realize that touching a weird egg would not end well ever.

The scene with Iroha and Komugi being carefree and just wondering how they would find Garugaru's to immediately switching to Satoru being deep in the research. The contrast is strong.

Satoru going out without Daifuku ogh god he's going back to the egg and he's going to touch it!!! Satoru no you might seem smart but you're actually dumb! Noooo

Oh thank god it's broken. Also the scenes switching between Iroha and Satoru are very good. Shows their different approaches. Iroha being carefree and Satoru being more... analytical? If that's the right term.

Wait did the Garugaru's have a gem on their heads last episode? Interesting if they didn't since they now paid attention to it here.

Satoru just seeing a dog transform into a human, he's just... kind of shocked. I guess there is a lot happening and there's only so shocked you can get haha.

Satoru trying to convince them to leave as if they don't have superpowers right now. Like c'mon now. Who else is going to deal with the monsters if not them.

I will say that the action this week was a bit more interesting than last week, I think. Although my memory is so bad I can't necessarily fully remember last week's episode so take that with a grain of salt.

Oh, it's our first fairy! We have like 10 of them this season. Also that's not the voice I expected to come from it. It's more... mellow and soft I think. But I do like it.

We already have Komugi as our hyperactive voice this season, so not having all fairies have the same type of "energetic" feel is good I think.

Yeah, Satoru now knows about the Precure thing. But hey, having allies (especially knowledgeable ones) is very good.

Satoru seems to be very good at convincing people. Meemee being like "But you're not a Precure?" would be very funny in hindsight if Satoru became a cure.

(The whole Satoru being a cure thing is speculation but there's not other characters who would fit the bill unless Daifuku becomes a solo cure which would be stupid.)

Meemee being happy someone actually listens to him since Iroha and Komugi don't haha.

I'll say this was a pretty solid episode. I enjoyed it. Next week we'll be properly meeting "shes-just-like-me-fr" Mayu Nekoyashiki and her cat. (who are definitely not the next 2 cures please trust.)