☯︎ Touhou Webring ☯︎

Here are all the widgets made for the Webring. Most are "examples" and lack functionality, but copying the code should provide a working version.

(There may be small differences between the examples and the working widgets.)

Sprite Sources All character sprites shown are by AI_Mebius of GridNote.

We do not claim to have created any of them.
Main Heroines
Reimu and Marisa (130px)
Reimu, Marisa, Sakuya, Youmu, Sanae (200px)
Scarlet Devil Mansion (Touhou 6 ~ EoSD)
Remilia and Flandre (130px)
Remilia, Flandre, Sakuya, Patchouli, Meiling (200px)
Perfect Cherry Blossom (Touhou 7 ~ PCB)
Yuyuko and Youmu (130px)
Yuyuko, Youmu, Ran, Yukari, Chen (200px)
Imperishable Night (Touhou 8 ~ IN)
Mokou and Kaguya (130px)
Mokou, Kaguya, Reisen, Eirin, Tewi (200px)
Phantasmagoria of Flowerview (Touhou 9 ~ PoFV)
Eiki and Komachi (130px)
Eiki, Komachi, Yuuka, Aya, Medicine (200px)
Mountain of Faith (Touhou 10 ~ MoF)
Kanako and Suwako (130px)
Kanako, Suwako, Sanae, Aya, Nitori (200px)
Chireiden (Touhou 11 ~ SA)
Koishi and Satori (130px)
Koishi, Satori, Utsuho, Rin (Cat), Rin (200px)
Undefined Fantastic Object (Touhou 12 ~ UFO)
Byakuren and Nue (130px)
Byakuren, Nue, Murasa, Shou, Nazrin (200px)
Ten Desires (Touhou 13 ~ TD)
Miko and Mamizou (130px)
Miko, Mamizou, Futo, Seiga, Tojiko (200px)
Double Dealing Character (Touhou 14 ~ DDC)
Seija and Shinmyoumaru (130px)
Seija, Shinmyoumaru, Wakasagihime, Sekibanki, Kagerou (200px)
Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom (Touhou 15 ~ LoLK)
Junko and Hecatia (130px)
Junko, Hecatia, Clownpiece, Doremy, Sagume (200px)
Hidden Star in Four Seasons (Touhou 16 ~ HSiFS)
Okina and Aunn (130px)
Okina, Satono, Mai, Aunn, Tanned Cirno (200px)
Wily Beast and Weakest Creature (Touhou 17 ~ WBaWC)
Keiki and Mayumi (130px)
Keiki, Mayumi, Saki, Yuuma, Yachie (200px)
Unconnected Marketeers (Touhou 18 ~ UM)
Chimata and Momoyo (130px)
Chimata, Momoyo, Misumaru, Megumu, Tsukasa (200px)
Unfinished Dream of All Living Ghost (Touhou 19 ~ UDoALG)
Zanmu and Hisami (130px)
Zanmu, Hisami, Chiyari, Biten, Enoko (200px)
Sariel and Konngara (HRtP) (130px)
Mima and Marisa (SoEW) (130px)
Yumemi and Chiyuri (PoDD) (130px)
Yuuka and Elly (LLS) (130px)
Shinki and Alice (MS) (130px)
Renko and Merry (Hifuu) (130px)